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Adult Behavioral Health Services

Outpatient Mental Health Services for Adults

Comprehensive mental health services to support each person’s goals for recovery, including: psychiatric evaluation and treatment, medication management, wellness counseling and education, individual and group therapy, psychiatric care, psychosocial rehabilitation, and case management offered at a variety of locations.
To connect with any of our clinics, please start by calling 210-261-CHCS (2427).

Northwest Clinic

Paul Elizondo Adult
Behavioral Health Clinic

Eastside Clinic

Primary Care Services for Adults

Comprehensive and coordinated medical care throughout the course of life. From diagnosis and treatment for a broad range of conditions or illnesses, to preventive care, onsite Primary Care Clinics offers the following services: routine checkups, health risk assessments, immunizations, screening tests, general health care maintenance, well women exams, and behavioral health consultations. To connect with any of our clinics, please start by calling 210-261-CHCS (2427).
Northwest Clinic
210-261-CHCS (2427)
Paul Elizondo Adult Behavioral Health Clinic
210-261-CHCS (2427)

Diana M. Burns-Bank Primary Care Clinic at The Restoration Center

The Integrated Wellness Clinic at Haven for Hope

Complex Care – ACT/FACT Program

Complex Care provides wraparound support to people who are diagnosed with serious mental illness and have a history of extensive re-admission at local emergency departments and psychiatric inpatient units.  The Assertive Community Treatment (ACT) team and the Forensic Assertive Community Treatment (FACT) team are dedicated multidisciplinary teams comprised of care managers and licensed specialists working together to provide comprehensive, holistic healthcare. for people living with serious mental illness. Through this approach, consumers can access the services they need all within a single, cohesive team. Services include: psychiatric medication management, psychiatric nursing services, primary care, intensive case management and care coordination services, substance use treatment, peer support, individual counseling, and group counseling.

Complex Care Clinic
210-261-CHCS (2427)

POWER (Providing Opportunities for Wellness, Empowerment & Resilience) Program

Coordinated Specialty Care services for Bexar County residents ages 15-30 years who are experiencing First Episode Psychosis. Program provides intensive, wrap-around services by a team of clinicians and peer support specialists.

Complex Care Clinic

Supported Employment Program

Supported Employment is an additional service that CHCS consumers are able to receive to assist them in finding and obtaining employment,  and teaches them the skills necessary to manage their mental illness while maintaining employment.

Haven for Hope 210-261-1084

Military Veteran Peer Network Project (MVPN)

Offers free and confidential support groups for veterans, soldiers, and family members. Provides opportunities for veterans and families to find support through MVPN social events and volunteer opportunities, and acts as a guide to community resources through peer support services.

Veteran Services Main Office at Haven for Hope
Gregory Morton, MVPN Manager


To contact us electronically, visit the Contact Us page. 

For more information, visit

Adult Behavioral Health Services: Justice Programs

The Center for Health Care Services provides effective supports and solutions to manage mental health challenges that may otherwise lead to jail time and/or frequent hospitalizations.

ACCESS Program

Provides outpatient mental health services, including medication management and psychosocial rehabilitation for individuals on Parole or Probation.

Criminal Justice referrals needed.

Justice Programs at Palo Alto
210-261-CHCS (2427)

Intensive outpatient program for felony probationers and parolees with serious and persistent mental illness (SPMI) and substance use challenges. This program is intended to divert individuals from the criminal justice system.

Criminal Justice referrals only.

Justice Programs at Palo Alto
210-261-CHCS (2427)

TCOOMMI (Texas Correctional Office for Offenders with Mental and Medical Impairments)

Intensive outpatient program for individuals with serious and persistent mental illness (SPMI) on Pre-Trial supervision. Program individuals may be eligible to receive case management services, medication management, psychosocial rehabilitation, and substance abuse interventions.

Criminal Justice referrals needed.

Justice Programs at Palo Alto
210-261-CHCS (2427)

Court Ordered Treatment (COT)

Comprehensive mental health outpatient services court ordered for individuals found not guilty by reason of insanity.

Judicial referrals only.

Justice Programs at Palo Alto
210-261-CHCS (2427)

Outpatient Competency Restoration (OCR)

Outpatient services for individuals who have been court ordered to receive competency education because they have been found Incompetent to Stand Trial and have a mental health diagnosis.

Judicial referrals only.

Justice Programs at Palo Alto
210-261-CHCS (2427)

County Court 12 (CC12)

Program is comprised of phases in which community, mental health, as well as substance treatment needs are addressed for individuals currently on probation lasting up to one year to further reduce recidivism.

Referrals made by Bexar County Mental Health Court, County Court 12.

Mental Health & Specialty Programs at the San Saba Building
210-261-CHCS (2427)

Assisted Outpatient Treatment (AOT)

Civil court-ordered outpatient mental health program for individuals who have severe and persistent mental illness, and have been non-compliant with past psychiatric treatment. Program includes psychiatric medication management, psychosocial rehabilitation services, nursing services, case management and community support services.

Referrals made through Bexar County Mental Health Courts and Bexar County psychiatric facilities.

Mental Health & Specialty Programs at the San Saba Building
210-261-CHCS (2427)

Community Reintegration Program

Jail diversion community mental health program that provides immediate assessment for mental health treatment for misdemeanor pre-trial cases to include: psychiatric medication management and comprehensive community support services.

Judicial referrals only.

Mental Health & Specialty Programs at the San Saba Building
210-261-CHCS (2427)

Community Alternatives to Incarceration (CAIP)

Assists individuals in Felony and misdemeanor drug courts to improve their quality of life and further reduce recidivism by incorporating community based case management services, psychiatric medication management, counseling, and skills training.

Judicial referrals only.

Mental Health & Specialty Programs at the San Saba Building
The Restoration Center
210-261-CHCS (2427)

Mental Health Court

The Mental Health Court program diverts individuals from jail to comprehensive behavioral health treatment.

Judicial referrals only.

Mental Health & Specialty Programs at the San Saba Building
The Restoration Center 210-261-CHCS (2427)

Dual Diagnosis Residential Facility (DDRF)

CHCS manages the TCOOMMI-funded Dual Diagnosis Program within the Bexar County Dual Diagnosis Residential Facility (DDRF). DDRF is a residential treatment jail diversion program serving adult male and female individuals dually diagnosed with mental health and substance use disorders.

Judicial referrals only.

10975 Applewhite Rd.
210-261-CHCS (2427)

Justice Intake and Assessment Annex (JIAA)

CHCS Clinicians work within the Bexar County’s Justice Intake & Assessment Annex 24/7 to assess arrested individuals with mental health and/or substance use needs. Eligible individuals are given the opportunity to participate in outpatient treatment via a Personal Recognizance (PR) bond release.

Justice Intake and Assessment Annex at N. Comal

200 N. Comal

Adult Behavioral Health Services: Supported Housing Programs

San Antonio Housing Authority (SAHA) Mainstream Voucher Program

Provides housing assistance to individuals who are homeless, at imminent risk of becoming homeless, or those entering or exiting an institutional setting through SAHA Section 8 Division.

Supported Housing Program at Haven for Hope

Housing Authority of Bexar County (HABC) Mainstream Voucher Program

Provides housing assistance to individuals who are homeless, at imminent risk of becoming homeless or entering or exiting an institutional setting through the HABC Section 8 Division.

Supported Housing Program at Haven for Hope

Tenant Based Rental Assistance (TBRA)

Assistance funded by HOMES for eligible applicants enrolled in CHCS services.

Supported Housing Program at Haven for Hope

Homeless Set Aside Voucher Program

The Center helps eligible individuals who are experiencing chronic homelessness and actively receiving outpatient treatment in our programs obtain a Section 8 voucher with the San Antonio Housing Authority (SAHA).

Supported Housing Program at Haven for Hope

HHSC Rent and Utility Bridge Program

Provides rent and utility assistance for up to 12 months, for individuals with an active LOCA 1-5 who are homeless or at imminent risk of becoming homeless.

Supported Housing Program at Haven for Hope

CenterCare Health and Wellness Clinic for Adults

CenterCare Health and Wellness Clinic

Easily accessible and affordable, behavioral health care including psychiatric evaluations, medication management, and individual and group therapy services. Medicaid, Medicare, private insurance and self-pay accepted.

CenterCare Health and Wellness Clinic

Children's Behavioral Health Services

Being mentally healthy in childhood means reaching developmental and emotional milestones, learning healthy social skills, and how to cope when problems arise. When there is a concern that a child might not be meeting these milestones, The Center offers an array of services that can help.

Our goal is to strengthen and support families by providing services for an array of issues, including, sadness or depression, fear or anxiety, persistent nightmares, low self-esteem, social isolation, harming self or others, behavioral problems, academic problems, running away and truancy, school bullying, parenting support, child abuse/assault, divorce, grief/loss and a history of trauma.

Children’s mental health treatment is for Bexar County youth ages 3 – 17 with a DSM-V Diagnosis, and includes the following services: skills training, counseling, medication training and support, psychiatric evaluation and medication monitoring, and family partner support.

Outpatient Mental Health Services for Children and Adolescents

Serving youth ages 3 – 17

Being mentally healthy in childhood means reaching developmental and emotional milestones, learning healthy social skills, and how to cope when problems arise. When there is a concern that a child might not be meeting these milestones, The Center offers an array of services that can help. Children’s mental health treatment is for Bexar County youth ages 3 – 17 with a DSM-V Diagnosis, and includes the following services: skills training, counseling, medication training and support, psychiatric evaluation and medication monitoring, and family partner support.

Children’s Behavioral Health Clinic at Drexel

Children’s Behavioral Health Clinic at Bandera

210-261-CHCS (2427)


Outpatient Mental Health Services for Youth Referred by Bexar County Juvenile Probation Department – Children’s Behavioral Health Services

Bexar County Juvenile Justice Program

Serving youth ages 10-17

Clinic, home and community-based mental health services for youth referred by the Bexar County Juvenile Probation Department or the County Magistrate.

Children’s Behavioral Health Clinic at Bandera


TCOOMMI (Texas Correctional Office on Offenders with Medical or Mental Impairments)

Serving youth ages 10-17

A field-based program providing intensive home-based counseling and case management services to youth who have been diagnosed with a mental illness and are currently supervised by the Probation Department. Referrals are received directly from the Bexar County Juvenile Probation Department.

Children’s Behavioral Health Clinic at Bandera


Children’s Crisis Services – Children’s Behavioral Health Services

Children's Crisis Services

Serving youth ages 3-17

A team of Qualified Mental Health Professionals provide clinical crisis assessment, stabilization, and referrals for hospitalization or other appropriate mental health services for Bexar County residents experiencing significant mental health conditions.

Any child living in Bexar County can receive crisis services — they do not have to be a CHCS client.

Children’s Behavioral Health Clinic at Drexel

210-223-SAFE (7233)

Children’s Mobile Outreach Team (CMOT)

Serving youth ages 3-17

CMOT goes to hospitals, homes or anywhere in the community where a crisis assessment is needed. The crisis assessment clinician works to stabilize the child, or refer them to appropriate services including outpatient services or hospitalization.

Children’s Behavioral Health Clinic at Drexel

210-223-SAFE (7233)

Intensive Mental Health Services – Children’s Behavioral Health Services

Youth Empowerment Services (YES) Waiver Program

Serving youth ages 3-18

Expanded Medicaid services including community living supports, counseling, family support services, case management, and professional and support services for children with severe emotional and/or behavioral needs to help prevent out-of-home placements and reduce psychiatric hospital re-admissions.

CHCS Central Office

Inquiry Line:

LOC-4 Intensive Family Services

Serving youth ages 6-17

LOC-4 provides comprehensive, strength-based care to underserved youth, who are at a high risk of removal from their home and/or community.

CHCS Central Office

210-261-CHCS (2427)

Consumers must request an Enrollment and Screening Assessment for Children’s Services to determine eligibility for Level of Care-4.

POWER (Providing Opportunities for Wellness, Empowerment & Resilience) Program

Coordinated Specialty Care services for Bexar County residents ages 15-30 years who are experiencing First Episode Psychosis. Program provides intensive, wrap-around services by a team of clinicians and peer support specialists.

East Side Clinic

Transition Age Youth (TAY)

Serving adolescents ages 16-20

Mental health treatment for residents of Bexar County with a DSM-V diagnosis who want to take a more active role in their mental health treatment. Services include assessment, skills training, counseling, intensive case management, medication training and support, psychiatric evaluation and medication monitoring, caregiver training, family partner support, and wraparound facilitation.

Children’s Behavioral Health Clinic at Bandera


Early Childhood and Adolescent Mental Health Services – Children’s Behavioral Health Services

Early Childhood Intervention Services (CHCS-ECI)

Serving youth ages 0-3

ECI includes early intervention case management, occupational therapy, physical therapy, speech and language, caregiver education and support services for infants and toddlers with developmental delays or medical conditions leading to developmental delays, and who reside in Bexar County SAISD, ECISD, HISD, SISD, and SSISD School Districts.

Children’s Behavioral Health Clinic at S. Presa


Referral Fax Line:

Healthy Outcomes through Early Prevention and Early Support (HOPES) Program

Serving youth ages 0-5

Serving children and their caregivers with behavioral intervention services, training, case management, counseling, and support.

Children’s Behavioral Health Clinic
227 W. Drexel Ave.
San Antonio, TX 78210


HOPES+ • ReadyKidSA

Community & Crisis Response Services

Substance Abuse Public Sobering Unit

A jail diversion program designed to offer a treatment alternative in lieu of arrest to public intoxicants by providing a medically safe environment utilizing motivational interviewing techniques to intervene and engage the individual offering direct access to treatment if desired.

The Restoration Center


Residential Detoxification/Detox

Experienced, compassionate medical, therapeutic and support staff provides integrated care for detox services in a supportive environment. The program introduces/reintroduces drug rehab treatment through use of individualized treatment, education, medical care, assessment and referral.

The Restoration Center


Crisis Care Center

24-hour assessment and intervention services addressing psychiatric crisis resulting in crisis resolution, extended observation and coordination into alternative care. We are the first choice for law enforcement to divert people with behavioral health needs from costly incarcerations and emergency room visits. Mental health warrant application assistance provided. Walk-ins welcome.

The Restoration Center


Crisis Helpline:

210-223 – 7233 or 800-316-9241

Minor Medical and Injured Detainee Clinic

Provides minor medical clearance for SAPD, crisis and detoxification programs. Provides immediate and quick access for law enforcement to obtain medical clearance and treatment for individuals who have been detained and injured during the apprehension process 24 hours a day.

The Restoration Center


Dianna M. Burns-Bank Primary Care Clinic

A true approach to integrated healthcare, the Burns-Bank Primary Care Clinic offers primary care services to people receiving psychiatric services including counseling, and therapy, nursing services, case management, and rehabilitative services including recovery assistance for substance abuse, mental health disorders, and/or diagnosed with HIV.

The Restoration Center




(MCOT) Mobile Community Outreach Team Crisis Line

Provides crisis intervention, follow-up and relapse prevention services. Dispatched by the crisis line. Services are coordinated with community organizations, designed to reduce inpatient hospitalizations and law enforcement interventions, if necessary. Provides mental health assessments in the emergency rooms and recommends appropriate care.

The Restoration Center

Crisis Helpline:

210-223 – 7233 or 800-316-9241

The Restoration Center OSAR

OSAR services provide Outreach, Screening, Assessment, and Referral to individuals seeking substance use treatment and recovery services in communities across Bexar County and the other 27 Region 8 counties.

The Restoration Center


Adult Outpatient Substance Use Treatment

Adult Outpatient Services are offered to people with substance use disorder. Counselors provide outpatient treatment services or intensive outpatient treatment services after completing a comprehensive assessment and determining level-of-care needs that facilitate recovery from substance use disorders.

The Restoration Center


Opioid Addiction Treatment (OATS)

Medication-assisted treatment services provided to persons addicted to opioids. Works to foster de-stigmatization, encourage new clinical treatment strategies, and ensure client rights.

The Restoration Center


Co-Occurring Psychiatric and Substance Abuse Disorders (COPSD)

Provides adjunct services to clients with co-occurring psychiatric and substance use disorders (COPSD), emphasizing integrated treatment where both disorders are considered primary, in existing mental health and substance use case management services.

The Restoration Center


Mommies Program: Specialized Female IOP Substance Abuse Treatment

Mommies Program is an intensive outpatient substance abuse treatment program open to pregnant women and mothers of minor children, including those seeking reunification with children in Texas Department of Family and Protective Services custody. Trauma-informed and gender-specific treatment targets mothers who are struggling with substance use and mental health disorders. Comprehensive case management assists in achieving stable recovery and preservation of the consumer’s family. Mommies Program is a collaborative partnership between CHCS, University Health System (UHS), and Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC).

The Restoration Center


NAS Residential Treatment Program

Intensive residential substance abuse treatment program open to pregnant women and mothers of minor children, including those seeking reunification with children in Texas Department of Family and Protective Services custody. Trauma-informed and gender-specific treatment targets mothers who are struggling with an opioid substance use disorder. Comprehensive case management assists in achieving stable recovery and preservation of the consumer’s family.

NAS Residential Treatment Program


The Integrated Care Clinic

The Integrated Care Clinic offers an integrated approach to health care services to people experiencing homelessness or at risk of homelessness and mental illness. Individuals receive psychiatric services, primary care services, nursing services, case management and rehabilitative services.

The Integrated Wellness Clinic at Haven for Hope


Integrated Treatment Program

Residential recovery-focused program for men and women experiencing homelessness, mental illness, trauma, and/or substance use.

Programs at Haven for Hope


PATH-Project for Assistance in Transition from Homelessness

Serves individuals who are homeless or are at risk of homelessness and have serious mental illnesses with connection to mainstream services.

Programs at Haven for Hope


Josephine Recovery Center

16-bed crisis residential facility for men and women focused on providing critical coping skills and linkage to community supports for successful reintegration into the community.

Josephine Recovery Center




Program for Intensive Care Coordination (PICC)

A multi-agency and multidisciplinary team organized to provide comprehensive care coordination aimed at reducing the reliance on emergency services by the most acute individuals in Bexar County.

Josephine Recovery Center




Multi-Agency Partnership for Stabilization (MAPS)

Formerly the Chronic Crisis Stabilization Initiative (CCSI), MAPS is a partnership with the SAPD Mental Health Unit that pairs clinicians with officers to respond to individuals with mental health needs who frequently use 911 and other emergency resources.

Josephine Recovery Center




Crisis Transitional Services (CTS)

Formerly known as LOC-5, CTS is an adult behavioral health outpatient program for individuals who recently experienced a crisis episode and need intensive care management services.

Josephine Recovery Center




SMART is a multidisciplinary team, including the Bexar County Sheriff’s Department, Acadia Ambulance, STRAC and CHCS, and includes 2 licensed Master’s level mental health professionals, a care manager, Sheriff’s deputy, and paramedic. The goal of the program is to provide appropriate de-escalation and triage, and reduce incarceration or emergency and inpatient services by providing ongoing engagement.

Josephine Recovery Center


Outreach, Linkage and Support Services

210 StreetReach

  • Provides referrals, linkage, and support to people in need of substance use treatment, mental health services, medical care, and/or support services.
  • Referrals: 210-792-8708
  • Harm reduction supplies: 210-792-8708

CSS Building, Suite #102 

6655 First Park Ten Blvd, San Antonio, TX 78213

Monday-Friday,  8 a.m. – 5 p.m.

Comprehensive Continuum of Care for Females (CCC)

CCC offers interim and linkage to support services to pregnant and parenting women diagnosed with substance use disorders (past or present) to help sustain recovery. CCC offers support from a Recovery Coach throughout the continuum of care (pre, during and post-treatment).

CSS Building, Suite #102 

6655 First Park Ten Blvd, San Antonio, TX 78213

Monday-Friday,  8 a.m. – 5 p.m.

210-842-8116 or 210-439-5993

SA Job Development

SA Job Development is a supported employment program designed to assist individuals, identified as having an Opioid Use Disorder, in finding gainful employment.

CSS Building

6655 First Park Ten Blvd, San Antonio, TX 78213


Long Term Care Services

Home & Community Based Services (HCS)

Medicaid Waiver Program that provides services to people of all ages with an intellectual or developmental disability, related condition, or both, who live with their families or in their own home.  To maintain optimal quality of life, we provide services to help with needs related to daily living, independent living and leisure/ recreational activities.

  • Residential services
  • Host home/ companion care
  • Group home
  • Respite services
  • Day habilitation   
  • Employment services   
  • Nursing services
  • Dental services   
  • Behavioral support
  • Supported home living (transportation)
  • Social work
  • Occupational therapy
  • Physical therapy
  • Speech therapy
  • Dietary services
  • Audiology services
  • Accessible minor home modifications
  • Adaptive aids
  • Transition assistance services

Long Term Care Services at Lone Shadow



Intermediate Care Facility IID (ICF-IID)

ICF-IID, 10-bed group home provides 24-hour residential services for individuals who do not live independently or with his or her natural family. Includes meals, medication management, transportation, living skills, leisure/recreational activities and support.

Long Term Care Services at Eisenhauer Road

2927 Eisenhauer Road



CALIDAD ISS (Individualized Skills and Socialization)

Activities to help intellectually disabled individuals become more independent in daily and personal skills. Assistance with acquiring, retaining, or improving self-help, socialization, and adaptive skills necessary to live successfully in the community and to participate in home and community life.

Monday – Friday 8:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.

Long Term Care Services at Drexel


Employment Connections

The Employment team provides assistance in attaining and sustaining competitive integrated employment in the community to include résumé building, interviewing skills, job placement and job coaching to all Bexar County residents with disabilities.

Long Term Care Services at Drexel


Day Activity and Habilitation Services (DAHS)

Adult Day Care provides meals, medical care, medication supervision, transportation, social and leisure activities, and personal care services.

Long Term Care Services at Drexel


Texas Home Living (TxHmL)

Provides community living and support services for maintaining quality of life. Includes special therapies such as dietary, speech, occupational/ physical and audiology therapy. Also nursing, daily habilitation, social work, employment assistance, supported employment and respite services.

  • Respite services   
  • Day habilitation   
  • Employment services   
  • Nursing services
  • Dental services   
  • Behavioral support
  • Community Support (transportation)
  • Social work
  • Occupational therapy
  • Physical therapy
  • Speech therapy
  • Dietary services
  • Audiology services
  • Accessible minor home modifications
  • Adaptive aids

Long Term Care Services at Lone Shadow




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