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Helping people get better and stay out of the criminal justice system.

Court-Ordered Treatment

Do you or someone you know have a mental illness and/or substance use disorder? Have these challenges led to involvement with the criminal justice system? The Center for Health Care Services can help people overcome challenges that may otherwise lead to jail time and/or frequent hospitalizations.

It is estimated that 25 percent of people involved in the criminal justice system have some form of mental illness, and 99 percent of all people in jail or prison return to the community. Through The Center’s justice programs, clients have an opportunity to improve their life and change their circumstance, all at no cost.

In some cases, participation in these programs is a condition of parole, probation, pretrial or a civil commitment requiring the person to meet with a judge on a weekly basis. The following programs share a common goal — to help people get better and stay out of the criminal justice system.

CHCS Other Help - Court Order


Outpatient Competency Restoration (OCR)
(210) 261-3200

Outpatient services for individuals who have been court ordered to receive competency education because they have been found Incompetent to stand trial and have a mental health diagnosis. Judicial referrals only.

TCOOMMI (Texas Correctional Office for Offenders with Mental and Medical Impairments)
(210) 261-3200

Intensive outpatient program for individuals with serious and persistent mental illness (SPMI) on Pre-Trial supervision. Program individuals may be eligible to receive case management services, medication management, psychosocial rehabilitation, and substance abuse interventions. Criminal Justice referrals needed.

County Court 12 (CC12)
(210) 261-3100

Program is comprised of phases in which community, mental health, as well as substance treatment needs are addressed for individuals currently on probation lasting up to one year to further reduce recidivism. Referrals made by Bexar County Mental Health Court, County Court 12.

Justice Intake & Assessment Annex (JIAA)
(210) 335-5198

CHCS Clinicians work within the Bexar County’s Justice Intake & Assessment Annex 24/7 to assess arrested individuals with mental health and/or substance use needs. Eligible individuals are given the opportunity to participate in outpatient treatment via a Personal Recognizance (PR) bond release.

Mental Health Court
(210) 261-3100

The Mental Health Court program diverts individuals from jail to comprehensive behavioral health treatment. Judicial referrals only.

CHCS Justice Programs are offered at the following CHCS clinics:

  • Justice Programs at Palo Alto
    2711 Palo Alto Road, San Antonio, Texas 78211
  • Mental Health & Specialty Programs at the Packard Building
    1123 N. Main, Suite 203, San Antonio, Texas 78212
  • The Restoration Center
    601 N. Frio, San Antonio, Texas 78207

Assisted Outpatient Treatment (AOT)
(210) 261-3100

Civil court-ordered outpatient mental health program for individuals who have severe and persistent mental illness, and have been non-compliant with past psychiatric treatment. Program includes psychiatric medication management, psychosocial rehabilitation services, nursing services, case management and community support services. Referrals made through Bexar County Mental Health Courts and Bexar County psychiatric facilities.

Court Ordered Treatment (COT)
(210) 261-3200

Consumers in the Court Ordered Treatment Program (COT) have been found Not Guilty by Reason of Insanity and are court-ordered to receive outpatient services. Consumers are on a 46C court commitment and referred through court only. Judicial referral only.


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