Thank You for Attending the
21st Annual Bexar County Behavioral Health and Wellness Conference!
Free two-day conference for families, consumers, caregivers, and professionals featuring educational workshops about mental health topics/resources and a health /wellness resource fair.
Track A
Cypress Room
May be best suited for caregivers or professionals.
9:30-10:00 a.m. How Pain Affects the Brain
Presenter: Tyler West (Liberty Rehabilitation Specialists), Mary Lou Lugo (Liberty Rehabilitation Specialists)
When experiencing an orthopedic injury or recovering from a surgical procedure, patients often experience a wide-range of symptoms of pain or disability that can be individually affected by a number of emotional stressors. These may include prior expectations of healing, catastrophizing of injury, home life, interpersonal relationships, financial concerns, work stressors, or co-existing health conditions. Working with a physical therapist that understands this intricate relationship can be key to managing chronic pain and resolving injury.
10:10 -10:40 a.m. The Empty Water Well… Recognizing Compassion Fatigue
Presenters: Margarita Ochoa-Smith (Endeavors)
The Empty Water Well – El Pozzo Vacio… Recognizing Compassion Fatigue. This workshop will acknowledge the courage it takes to work with victims of traumatic events and or perpetrators and the emotional toll it can have on a provider. We will explore how to recognize Compassion Fatigue and collectively identify methods for overall well-being.
Track B
Live Oak Room
May be best suited for consumers, people in recovery, people who have a loved one in recovery.
9:30-10:00 a.m. Peer Support Groups- What Can They Do For You and Your Family?
Presenters: Kathy Franklin (Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance San Antonio)
Hear an explanation of what peer support groups are from the Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance (DBSA) viewpoint. These groups are geared toward providing a safe, confidential setting in which to exchange individual experiences in a nonjudgmental format. The role of the support group facilitator is a model for the individual group’s behavior. All members are on the same level, working together to demonstrate kindness and respect. Membership is open to all, including family and friends.
10:10 -10:40 a.m. The Importance of Helping People that Help People
Presenters: Sarah Hogan (Plum Creek Recovery Ranch)
Recognize the signs and symptoms of a first responder/front-line worker who may be experiencing addiction- underlying causes such as multiple complex trauma. Learn the impact that front-line workers and first responder careers have on overall mental health and substance use.
Track C
Elm Room
May be best suited for people with an interest in behavioral health or professionals.
9:30-10:00 a.m. Secondary Survivorship and the Impact of Trauma
Presenter: Rachael Finch (Rape Crisis Center)
This presentation defines secondary survivors and looks at secondary traumatic stress, as well as the impact trauma can have mentally and physically on both primary and secondary survivors. This workshop includes discussions of self-care and healing for all those impacted by sexual violence.
10:10 -10:40 a.m. Texas Health Steps and STAR Programs Outreach and Informing
Presenters: Sandra Godoy (Texas Health Steps and STAR Program)
Learn about the Health Care Orientation (HCO) requirement for Simplified Medicaid. Those that are new to Texas Health Steps will understand the services and benefits along with Medicaid benefits. This workshop will also go into detail about the functions and responsibilities of Texas Health Steps Outreach and Informing staff.
Track D
Pecan Room
May be best suited for people in recovery from substance use, friends or family of people with a substance use disorder or professionals.
9:30-10:30 a.m. Understanding Specialty Courts
Presenters: Judge Yolanda Huff (Bexar County Court of Law No. 12), Judge Helen Petry Stowe (Bexar County Court of Law No. 1), Judge Rosie Speedlin-Gonzalez (Bexar County Court of Law No. 13), Judge Erica Dominguez (Bexar County Court of Law No. 6), Judge Erica Pena (Bexar County Court of Law No. 11)
This informative session will feature judges from all five misdemeanor Specialty Courts. Attendees will learn more about the Mental Health Court, the Domestic Violence/ Reflejo Court, the DWI Court, Adult Drug Court, and the Veterans Treatment Court. In this session, attendees will learn what a specialty court is, how they benefit the judicial system, and how they operate.
Track E
Magnolia Room
May be best suited for people looking to improve their life, well-being, and self-care skills, or professionals.
9:30-10:00 a.m. Rights to Meds
Presenter: Ritu Ajmani (15RX Pharmacy)
This is a seminar on Medication Self Care. Attendees will learn how to work with their doctor to assure their medication needs are met. They will also be educated on self-medicating: how to handle emergency situations, handling narcotic medications, and handling PRN medications.
10:10 -10:40 a.m. The Balancing Act of Nutrition and Physical Activity: A Health Coach and Dietitian’s Perspective
Presenters: Kathryn Veracruz (Health Coach), Natalie Holzhauer (Registered Dietitian Nutritionist)
This workshop is for individuals to become more self-aware and make healthier choices to a more successful well-being. They will gain knowledge and be able to live a well-balanced life of health and activity while still being able to enjoy their favorite foods.